Early Bird Price: (Applicable for purchases made on or before 7 Dec): HK$550 (for 1 person)
It is necessary to strengthen your immunity and maintain your well-beings before the cold snaps. Tianjiu treatment helps stimulate particular acupoints by applying Chinese medicines with warm and hot properties. The balance of Yin-Yang and immune system in our body can be enhanced and regulated.
Winter Ginseng Tianjiu Treatment Available for Booking Now
Features of “Ginseng” Tianjiu Treatment
Ginseng Patches - With the use of specially formulated patches that contain Korean ginseng and fresh ginger juice, Tianjiu helps reinforce the vital energy and improve the blood circulation, in order to boost the immune system and body resistance against illnesses in the coming cold season.
Professional Treatment - Administered by registered Chinese medicine practitioners (CMP), the treatment is carried out on designated acupuncture points based on the CMP’s diagnosis regarding the physical characteristics and symptoms of the patients.
Quality control -For maximal treatment effects and extra safety, best-quality ingredients are used to prepare the uniquely formulated ginseng patches. Scrupulous hygiene practices are emphasized in order to establish a safe and reassuring treatment environment.
Tianjiu is particularly suitable for people who have allergic rhinitis, airway/tracheal sensitivity, menstrual discomfort, susceptibility to cold, chronic abdominal discomfort and chronic low back pain.
1. A consultation before Tianjiu treatment commences would be carried out by Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner to exclude any contraindication of th
Do you know?
- Tianjiu is suitable for all ages above 3 years old. However, for pregnant women and people with skin allergy, severe cardiopulmonary insufficiency or with poorly controlled diabetes should seek advice from a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner before the therapy.
- Avoid having fatty, fried and spicy foods, cold drinks, goose, prawn and crab after applying tianjiu patches.
1st Treatment: 21 – 27 Dec 2024*
2nd Treatment: 30 Dec 2024 – 5 Jan 2025*
3rd Treatment: 8 – 14 Jan 2025*
Booster: 17 – 23 Jan 2025*
* Please contact individual centre for appointment and enquiries.
Booster treatment in addition to the three sessions of treatment can be done to achieve more persistent preventive and/or therapeutic effects.
Please feel free to contact our clinic staff within working hours for any enquires.
Our Clinic
Sheung Wan:
Unit 2, 2/F, Hoi Kiu Commercial Building, 158 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (Tel: 2975 2333)
Room 520-523, 5/F Prince's Building, 10 Cherter Road, Central Hong Kong (Tel: 2160 5511)
Unit 1605-09, 16/F, Admiralty Centre Tower 1, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Tel: 2861 0333)
Causeway Bay - Watsons:
2/F Watsons, Fortune Centre, 44-48 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (Tel: 2893 3272)