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Quality HealthCare Home Care

Bringing Professional Nursing and Care to Your Home
Aging and rehabilitation don't always have to take place in a facility. Quality HealthCare is dedicated to helping seniors remain in the comfort of their familiar homes and communities in receiving care under the watchful eye of their families.
Our home care programs offer you professional, flexible, and continuous nursing and care services, working alongside your family to transform the challenges of independent living into a reassuring sense of security.

  • Our dedicated nursing consultants offer free consultations and guarantee matching within 48 hours. We provide a variety of flexible program options, including customized care arrangements and follow-ups, to fully meet the daily needs of seniors and patients.
  • We assemble an experienced healthcare team for you, including healthcare workers, registered nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc. Through our comprehensive, one-stop professional nursing and care services, we provide attentive home care that supports families in caring for their seniors and patients.

We put you first and help you solve your problems

 Professional and dedicated care | Transparent and clear pricing 
Support for diverse professional nursing needs | Reliable and caring nursing staff | Your family healthcare support

a young hand holding an old hand
nursing helping a old woman

Diverse Home Care Services - Ageing in place

Services Details 
Daily Nursing Services:                      Advanced Healthcare Services:                                      

  • Personal hygiene care                   Pressure ulcer prevention
  • Daily living and nutrition              Health monitoring
  • Assistance with mobility               Rehabilitation exercises
  • Medical escort                                 Naso-gastric tube feeding 
                                                                    or medication administration

Applicable Situations:

  • Emergency needs
  • Temporary care
  • Replacement for domestic helpers
  • Short-term care

Service Personnel:

Diverse Home Care Services- Outreach healthcare services

Service Details
 Nursing Services:                                                Service Personnel:

  • Suctioning                                                          Registered nurse
  • Wound/ pressure ulcer care
  • Stoma care
  • Intravenous infusion
  • Peritoneal dialysis
  • Changing nasogastric tubes, urinary catheters, and urine bags
  • Medication injections

Applicable Situations:

  • Routine care
  • Advanced health service needs
  • Caregiver training needs
nursing helping a old woman
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Diverse Home Care Services- Medical escort

Service Details:                                    Service Personnel:

Accompanying to appointments               Care-related support worker 
and transportation                                        or healthcare worker 

Home Care Program

3-Day Trial Plan (4 hours x 3 days)

Prepayment plan (Up to HK$112 per hour#)

^ Care assistant may include China-trained nurse, health service assistants/worker, personal care worker and domestic helper.
#Calculated based on a $100,000 prepayment plan and the cost of 12 hours of caregiver services.
*One video consultation with a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner is included upon prepayment of $100,000 or more.

Click here to learn more about the Nursing Service Program.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The trial plan is only applicable to individuals who have never used QHNA's nursing program. Each customer is limited to one purchase. It must be used within one month from the date of purchase.
  2. The prepayment plan requires full payment in advance and must be used within three months from the date of purchase; otherwise, it will become invali
a old man and old lady smile to each other
A woman wearing a green shirt using a computer

Quality HealthCare Home Care Customer Journey

Support the use of Community Care Service Voucher (CCSV)

Quality HealthCare Nursing Agency Limited (QHNA) is one of the recognized service providers for the 'Elderly Community Care Service Voucher' program launched by the Social Welfare Department. Voucher holders can use home-based services at QHNA.

Social Welfare Department will subsidize 60% to 95% based on the voucher holder's affordability. For more details about the program and how to use this voucher at QHNA, please contact us.

Please click here to learn more about the Elderly Community Care Service Voucher details and click here to learn about the service leaflet (Chinese version only).

a woman using a laptop

Contact Us

Customers can contact us at any time through the phone at 29752391, or via WhatsApp 96619716 to inquire about service details and will receive reply within 24 hours.