Quality HealthCare Mobile App – Your 24/7 Wellness Partner

The brand new Quality HealthCare mobile app aims to bring convenience and one-stop healthcare experience to every citizen of Hong Kong. By using our app, customers can line up for GP visits or make appointments with our health professionals anytime and anywhere. While obtaining professional and reliable health information verified by our doctors, customers can also directly purchase various healthcare products from the QHMS eShop. 

Main Features of Our App Include: 
1. Public Private Partnership ProgrammeNEW 
2. Connected Health Device 
3. Video Consultation and Drug Delivery 
4. Health Record 
5. E-ticketing for General Practice 
6. E-booking Service 
7. Virtual Workshop  
8. eShop 
9. Health Information 
10. Searching for Clinics and Medical Professionals 
11. Virtual Care